datatables 1.10 fnresetallfilters - undefined is not a function

datatables 1.10 fnresetallfilters - undefined is not a function

MuhaheMuhahe Posts: 25Questions: 8Answers: 2
edited August 2014 in Free community support

Hi, i upgraded datatables to 1.10 and after upgrade i cant use function fnResetAllFilters (for cyberhobos columnfilterwidget). Im getting error message undefined is not a function with marker for projectsTable.fnResetAllFilters(); (projects table is variable with stored datatables). On 1.9 everything worked like a charm. I would be happy for every hint

filter function

$.fn.dataTable.Api.fnResetAllFilters = function (oSettings, bDraw/*default true*/) {
        for(iCol = 0; iCol < oSettings.aoPreSearchCols.length; iCol++) {
            oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[ iCol ].sSearch = '';
        oSettings.oPreviousSearch.sSearch = '';
        if(typeof bDraw === 'undefined') bDraw = true;
        if(bDraw) this.fnDraw();

Plus another issue is, when i use columnDefs and render to format html in cells, filters are disabled and only value is [Object object]

example of columnDefs

"columnDefs": [
               "render": function (data, type, row){
                   if(data.child == null){
                        return '<img class=addNewTaskDialogOpener data-id="p' + + '" class="addButtonImg"  src=' + basePath + '/images/addButton.png ">';
                        return '<img class=addNewTaskDialogOpener data-id="p' + + '" class="addButtonImg" src=' + basePath + '/images/addButton.png ">'+'<img id="p' + + '" class="showHideImage" src=' + basePath + '/images/plus.png>';

But if i use only columns it works well, but i cant figure out how to format html to cell

         {"data": "name", "type": "html"},
         {"data": "name"},
         {"data": null},
         {"data": null},
         {"data": null},
         {"data": null},
         {"data": null},
         {"data": null},
         {"data": null},
         {"data": null},
         {"data": null},
         {"data": null}
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