turning off search
turning off search

I don't see a way to turn off the search feature. Is this possible?
As a shot in the dark, I tried this (which doesn't work):
[code]$("#my_table").dataTable({"oSearch": false});[/code]
As a shot in the dark, I tried this (which doesn't work):
[code]$("#my_table").dataTable({"oSearch": false});[/code]
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This link explains several of the features and how to turn them on/off: http://datatables.net/usage/features
What's the motivation for referring to some things as features and others as options? I clicked all over the site (except for the features page apparently) and it wasn't clear to me where to find this. I assumed that this would be considered an option which is why I tried setting oSearch.
I'm not 100 % sure but my best guess is that the features are the main components of DataTables (the ones that most people using DataTables would modify) whereas the options are more for developers who want to do extensive customization.
The introductory paragraph for the Options page provides a brief explanation: http://datatables.net/usage/options
Allan (the guy who does all this) would be the best one to ask about why it is ultimately one vs. the other.
If he doesn't post here, the best way to get ahold of him would be this form: http://datatables.net/contact
The basic split for features to options is that a feature is something which has a course level of control over the UI that DataTables will present to the user. Options on the other hand provide fine tuning. For example, in filtering, if the filtering is on or off is a feature, while a default initial search string is an option. Typically a feature will be a boolean value, while an option will be a string, or number etc.
Features certainly can be seen as options (you the developer have the option of turning them on or off), but to some extent the split is also there to provide a distinction between the high level controls that a developer will want to modify, and the finer controls that the majority will be happy leaving as the default.
I should say that the documentation on this site is not perfect, and I'm aware of that. It is one of the things I'd really like to be able to improve in future - specifically offering an option for viewing the documentation as a hierarchy by feature to help address exactly this kind of thing.