Export Buttons are shown as links, and not working

Export Buttons are shown as links, and not working

shrenikashrenika Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited September 2014 in Free community support

I am using datatables - 1.9.0
the export buttons are shown as links and it displays no errors in firebug.
Can you look into my code and tell out where the mistake is?

Note: This happened when i moved this file from one folder to other, in previous folder the buttons where displayed. All the paths mentioned are correct. Should anything need to be installed or included in the folder other than the required files.

My Code-

jQuery.noConflict(); jQuery().ready(function() { jQuery('#dt-incremental').dataTable({ "useFloater": true, //turn off cell filtering layer "bDeferRender": true, 'aoColumns': [ { 'sTitle': 'Final TSN ID', 'mDataProp': 'final_true_tsn_id'}, { 'sTitle': 'ESN', 'mDataProp': 'esn'}, { 'sTitle': 'Event Number', 'mDataProp': 'event_number'}, { 'sTitle': 'Start Date', 'mDataProp': 'reg_Date'}, { 'sTitle': 'Aprox', 'mDataProp': 'aprox'}, { 'sTitle': 'Issue Tag', 'mDataProp': 'issue_tag'}, { 'sTitle': 'Ongoing Final', 'mDataProp': 'ongoing_final'}, { 'sTitle': 'Validated', 'mDataProp': 'validated'}, { 'sTitle': 'ESN TSN', 'mDataProp': 'esn_tsn'}, { 'sTitle': 'ESN Starts', 'mDataProp': 'esn_starts'}, { 'sTitle': 'ESN Trips', 'mDataProp': 'esn_trips'}, { 'sTitle': 'Package TSN', 'mDataProp': 'package_tsn'}, { 'sTitle': 'Package Cycles', 'mDataProp': 'package_cycles'}, { 'sTitle': 'Main Concern', 'mDataProp': 'main_concern'}, { 'sTitle': 'Reason For', 'mDataProp': 'reason_for'}, { 'sTitle': 'Event Cat', 'mDataProp': 'event_cat'}, { 'sTitle': 'Bus Name', 'mDataProp': 'bus_name'}, { 'sTitle': 'Unplan Plan', 'mDataProp': 'unplan_plan'}, { 'sTitle': 'IN/OUT Package', 'mDataProp': 'in_out_package'}, { 'sTitle': 'Field Depot Office', 'mDataProp': 'field_depot_office'}, { 'sTitle': 'UERi', 'mDataProp': 'UERi'}, { 'sTitle': 'HCi', 'mDataProp': 'HCi'}, { 'sTitle': 'Fin Create User', 'mDataProp': 'fin_create_user'}, { 'sTitle': 'Fin Create Date', 'mDataProp': 'fin_create_date'}, { 'sTitle': 'Event Create User', 'mDataProp': 'event_create_user'}, { 'sTitle': 'Event Create Date', 'mDataProp': 'event_create_date'} ], 'sAjaxSource': 'some_data.json', //RfCTlrtip - to include top search "sDom": 'RCTlrtip', "oTableTools": { "sSwfPath": "components/DataTables-1.9.0/extras/TableTools/media/swf/copy_cvs_xls.swf", "aButtons": [ "csv", "xls"] }, "aLengthMenu": [[10, 25, 50, 100, -1] , ["10", "25", "50", "100", "All"]] }); });
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