Simple Join How change table id=example - Editor 1.3.3
Simple Join How change table id=example - Editor 1.3.3

in Extensions
Hi, I am new with the code :-)
I try to use the Simple Join:
But I get this error:
DataTables warning: table id=example - SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column '' in 'field list'
I think the error is becuse the ID for the example table is the same:
But in my case the ID is different like:
Please can you give me a clear example to do this, I expend 6 hours to fix :(
Here is my own code:
<?php // DataTables PHP library include( "../../php/DataTables.php" ); // Alias Editor classes so they are easy to use use DataTables\Editor, DataTables\Editor\Field, DataTables\Editor\Format, DataTables\Editor\Join, DataTables\Editor\Validate; /* * Example PHP implementation used for the join.html example */ $data = Editor::inst( $db, 'bk_sales_flat_order_grid' ) ->field( Field::inst( 'bk_sales_flat_order_grid.increment_id' ), Field::inst( 'bk_sales_flat_order_grid.billing_name' ), Field::inst( 'bk_sales_flat_order_grid.status' ), Field::inst( 'bk_sales_flat_order_grid.entity_id' ), Field::inst( 'bk_sales_flat_order_item.sku' ) ) ->leftJoin( 'bk_sales_flat_order_item', 'bk_sales_flat_order_item.order_id', '=', 'bk_sales_flat_order_grid.entity_id' ) ->process($_POST) ->data(); if ( ! isset($_POST['action']) ) { // Get a list of sites for the `select` list $data['bk_sales_flat_order_item'] = $db ->selectDistinct( 'bk_sales_flat_order_item', 'order_id as value, sku as label' ) ->fetchAll(); } echo json_encode( $data );
This discussion has been closed.
$data = Editor::inst( $db, 'bk_sales_flat_order_grid' )
From the docs:
The Editor is looking for a field called 'id' in your table 'bk_sales_flat_order_grid'.
In my table 'bk_sales_flat_order_grid' the ID is called 'entity_id'
And I can´t change for id. I need used 'entity_id'
Then What can I do?
Read my post properly. See the quote from the docs?
Apologies tangerine.
I used the option: "idSrc"
And the Error gone. But the table is empty. Please any suggestion?
Here is my Databases:
TABLE: bk_sales_flat_order_grid
| entity_id | increment_id | status | billing_name |
| 1 | 10001 | complete | jhon |
| 2 | 10002 | complete | susan |
| 3 | 10003 | complete | Manuel |
TABLE: bk_sales_flat_order_item
| order_id | sku |
| 1 | item1 |
| 2 | item2 |
| 3 | item3 |
$(document).ready(function() {
} );
I fix! if you are using the example Simple > Join:
on the path:
And your database 'user' have a diferent 'id', you need add into the file:
this code:
->pkey( 'MyCustom_id' )
For example, like this:
$data = Editor::inst( $db, 'user' )
->pkey( 'MyCustom_id' )
As @tangerine noted you can use the optional third parameter to the constructor to perform he same actions as calling the
method. i.e.:and
are identical.
This isn't actually related to the fact that you are using a join at all, but rather that your primary key is not called
which Editor uses as the default.Allan