How can I post a fix or suggest a fix to a problem

How can I post a fix or suggest a fix to a problem

mevarunduttamevarundutta Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

So here is the problem which I encountered. Lets assume a column in the table is just a set of check boxes or an image with no header so currently the datable rendering fails because it expects to have the name.

So in Jquery.datatable.js
line 6268 ...
$.each( _fnGetRowElements( oSettings, rowOne[0] ).cells, function (i, cell) {
var col = oSettings.aoColumns[i];
if ( col.mData === i ) {
var sort = a( cell, 'sort' ) || a( cell, 'order' );
var filter = a( cell, 'filter' ) || a( cell, 'search' );

Here col name is expected which causes the problem. A condition check of undefined is required.

So if anybody from development team thinks that I am making some sense please add it for future.

$.each( _fnGetRowElements( oSettings, rowOne[0] ).cells, function (i, cell) {
var col = oSettings.aoColumns[i];
// new condition // if (undefined != col) {
if ( col.mData === i ) {
var sort = a( cell, 'sort' ) || a( cell, 'order' );
var filter = a( cell, 'filter' ) || a( cell, 'search' );

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