Sending data back to the front-end
Sending data back to the front-end

I would like to know how to send data back to the front end and how to access it.
I suppose that the first part would be something like this:
$output['aaData'] = $aaData;
$output['csvData'] = $csvData;
But then how can I read that data with javascript?, I thought it was a trivial thing to do but couldn't figure it out yet. Any help will be appreciated.
I suppose that the first part would be something like this:
$output['aaData'] = $aaData;
$output['csvData'] = $csvData;
But then how can I read that data with javascript?, I thought it was a trivial thing to do but couldn't figure it out yet. Any help will be appreciated.
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I suppose it could be done using aoData right?