How to force sorting icons to be next to column text

How to force sorting icons to be next to column text

wacawaca Posts: 12Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited July 2010 in General
So far I've been unable to make this work on my own and have not found a solution in the forums or API, so here's the question:

Q: How can I force the sorting icons to appear right next to the column text, rather than to the far right or far left of the column (the default using CSS/floating)?

In other words, I'd like the sorting icons to act like they are just another character of the column text with a single space between them and the column text like so (where "_" = space and "v" = the sorting icon): "ColumnText_v" rather than the current "ColumnText____v" as it is now. Fixing the column width is not the solution I am after either.

I'm unable to get it to work via the CSS (at least so far), and I am wondering if there is a known way to easily make this happen? I believe this would also solve the problem I am seeing where the icon overlays the column text when the column data is smaller than the column text.

I tried fiddling with the sSortJUI settings, but I am not seeing them take effect. I tried putting them in the dataTables initialization area like the following (to remove the css_right class), but it did not work. Perhaps I am doing this wrong?
"sSortJUIAsc": 'ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-n',
"sSortJUIDesc": 'ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s',
"sSortJUI": 'ui-icon ui-icon-carat-2-n-s',

Thanks in advance!


  • wacawaca Posts: 12Questions: 0Answers: 0
    I dug even more and uncovered this forum post, which explains how to set the sSortJUI values (this was not clear to me from the Styling->Custom Classes page):

    I'll work on this some more and if I come up with a good solution I will post it here.

    What I'm ideally looking for is behavior similar to adding a PDF icon or the like to a link via the
  • SimondiSimondi Posts: 6Questions: 0Answers: 0

    HI Does anyone have an answer to this question: put the sorting arrow right beside the column title? Thanks for any hint answer.

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