sWidth with aoColumns for multiple tables

sWidth with aoColumns for multiple tables

1BJK9031BJK903 Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0

Hi all,

I have a table with 5 table rows and a table with 3 rows...
I want to change the width of the rows and I tried this:

        "aoColumnDefs": [
                         {"aTargets": [ 5 ], "bSortable": true, {"sWidth":"3.33%"},{"sWidth":"13.33%"},{"sWidth":"23.33%"}, {"sWidth":"23.33%"}, {"sWidth":"10%"} },       
                         {"aTargets": [ 3 ], "bSortable": true, {"sWidth":"23.33%"}, {"sWidth":"23.33%"}, {"sWidth":"10%"} }

But this does not work at all. It doesn't do anything. What am I doing wrong?

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