Responsive extension doesn't display first column in child row
Responsive extension doesn't display first column in child row

When I set up a table with the responsive extension, and the first column is configured to move to the child row, the child row doesn't display if there is only one column being moved.
The example shows the second column as the control column, first column should be moved to child row at less than "desktop" width.
This looks like it's a bug with the filter in _detailsVis:
// Only counts as hidden if it doesn't have the 'never' class
return $( col.header() ).hasClass( 'never' ) ? null : idx;
When idx is 0 (ie first column) the filter returns 0 which is falsy. I think you should be returning true:
return $( col.header() ).hasClass( 'never' ) ? null : true;
Other than this bug, responsive extensions are awesome!