Filtering error while using AJAX

Filtering error while using AJAX

tombrowntombrown Posts: 7Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited August 2010 in TableTools
I am using (and loving) DataTables for the internal sales portal I am building but I have run into an issue: if the user enters a string in the 'search by' field which is not found in the data of the table, it throws a javascript error: "Line: 1534, Error: 'aoData[...]._aData' is null or not an object". The possible wrinkle in this is that I am using AJAX to populate the data for my tables rather than an HTML table. I am not doing anything special with filtering, although I have used the 'language' options to change the text from 'search by' to 'filter by'. Other then that it is the vanilla search that is part of DataTables.

I have StateSave set to true, so the search field was constantly being set to the 'bad' search string which means this error was always popping up. It was driving me crazy! Now I've figured out what was going on, but I still need to not have an error pop up when someone types something that it can't find!


  • tombrowntombrown Posts: 7Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Updated to DataTables version 1.7, which appears to resolve this issue.
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