How to override the full number pagination

How to override the full number pagination

SantoshGundSantoshGund Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

I am new to javascript and jquery.

Currently I am using the jquery data-table in my project. I am getting the json data from server using ajax to display the data. The server is sending huge number of records and it is implemented by other team and hence they cannot do the server side pagination for me.

I am planning to write custom pagination on the client side but not sure if jquery-datatable allows me to do this.

I just want to override the jquery-datatable to handle next, previous buttons and get the next set of data using ajax ourselves?

I searched around for overriding and i found something related like this:

I implemented the same code as shown in the article but it didn't works for me.

$(document).ready(function() {
$('#example').dataTable( {
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"ajax": "/Home/SearchResults",
} );
} );

I thing i am missing something.

In summery, I want to use the full number paging and want to make the ajax call on each button click i.e ("First","Previous","Next","Last",etc).

Please help me out.

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