Datatable Headers disappear on subsequent refresh of Data

Datatable Headers disappear on subsequent refresh of Data

amit_shetty78amit_shetty78 Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited November 2014 in Free community support

Hi All,

I am using Datatables with AngularJS. The Datatable is using scrolling and pagination.
When the grid is loaded on the page for the first time it works all fine. Headers are shown, sorting works and also the pagination works fine.
So say on the first load we get 15 pages.

on the page I have a menu where when I click on a value, data for the selection is returned from the server and the grid needs to refresh the data back in.

The issue:

First Issue: The grid load data but the header disappears. Checked the DOM and there are no headers inside the div with class dataTables_scrollHeadInner.

I can see the headers in the table inside div with class dataTables_scrollBody.

Second Issue: If the data returned by the selection is lesser than the data loaded in the first call, it still shows the pagination from 1 to 15 when it should be considerably lower.

Appreciate if anyone can provide any pointers on what may be the issue.

I checked the table in debugger but dont know what to look for that would point to some issue.


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