Regarding Ajax call to web services with Pagination & Sorting

Regarding Ajax call to web services with Pagination & Sorting

jsuerojsuero Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

We have a web service that expects a call in the format getusers.ashx?company_id=1234&per_page=10&page_offset=11&sort_by=created_date, where per_page and page_offset are used for pagination and sort_by is used for sorting. How do I set up the DataTables API so that it ONLY sends the params that I care about for this web service when a user pages or sorts inside of a table?

By default, the API sends over a bunch of column and table information as query params, but I cannot rewrite our web service to understand this format. I'm currently evaluating if my Company should use DataTables and the tool looks great otherwise, but this would be a deal breaker for us. Am I missing something?

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