json no loading

json no loading

arroarro Posts: 3Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited August 2010 in General

I'm looking to see if I can use DataTables... So I´m trying to use the .getJSON. The Json I´m getting is valid according to JSONLint. I can see in Firebug that the it loads and I see the response (which I validated) However there is nothing visible in the DataTables, all I see is Processing.


$(document).ready(function () {
"bProcessing": true,
"bServerSide": true,
"sAjaxSource": "/field/getFields",
"fnServerData": function (sSource, aoData, fnCallback) {
/* Add some extra data to the sender */
aoData.push({ "name": "more_data", "value": "my_value" });
$.getJSON(sSource, aoData, function (json) {
/* Do whatever additional processing you want on the callback, then tell DataTables */


So I´m wondering what could be wrong, and how to debug ?



  • allanallan Posts: 64,068Questions: 1Answers: 10,559 Site admin
    The initialisation looks fine. What does your JSON data look like - can you post it here please?

  • arroarro Posts: 3Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Hi here is the JSON response

  • allanallan Posts: 64,068Questions: 1Answers: 10,559 Site admin
    The JSON is providing the parameters that DataTables needs to work. The format needs to be as given here: http://datatables.net/usage/server-side

    You can see this in action using the server-side processing example and looking at the XHR's as they come through in Firebug.

  • arroarro Posts: 3Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Hi allan,

    thanks for pointing this out to me, anyways I changed the JSON see

    "sEcho": 1,
    "iTotalRecords": 4,
    "iTotalDisplayRecords": 4,
    "aaData": [
    "id": "1000",
    "cell": [
  • UPEngineerUPEngineer Posts: 93Questions: 0Answers: 1
    edited August 2010
    Looks like you your "id" and "cell" need to be in between the [ ].

    Here is an example of a valid JSON return from one of my projects as shown here.

    Get it to look like this and you will be good to go!

    "sEcho": 3,
    "iTotalRecords": 186,
    "iTotalDisplayRecords": 3,
    "aaData": [
    "td 1",
    "td 2",
    "td 3",
    "td 4",
    "td 5"
    "td 1",
    "td 2",
    "td 3",
    "td 4",
    "td 5"
    "td 1",
    "td 2",
    "td 3",
    "td 4",
    "td 5"
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