Submit form fields in hidden rows OR filter by checked checkboxes

Submit form fields in hidden rows OR filter by checked checkboxes

visionsineducationvisionsineducation Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

We have a checkbox form control in one column of a table, and need ALL checked boxes to be submitted, not just those that are visible at the moment. Searching through the forums there are a couple old posts about using fnGetHiddenNodes, which is a legacy API plug-in. I tried it, and couldn't get it to work. The plug-in page says "Deprecated: This plug-in has been deprecated and replaced with other functionality. Please see the detailed description below for more information", but the "detailed" description has only the following: "This function is marked as deprecated as using the rows()DT method in DataTables 1.10+ is preferred to this approach." The rows() method page, however, has no information at all about how to accomplish this.

So, does anyone have a current solution that works? One that doesn't use the deprecated fnGetHiddenNodes?

Another idea I had was to somehow filter for only those with checked checkboxes. Any idea how to best accomplish that? (I noticed that if I do a filter, check a box, then do a different filter, check a box, then remove filters...both boxes are still checked. So, "under the hood" both are still checked...but only those that are currently visible actually get submitted.

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