CSV and pdf link doesn't work on few table print view works

CSV and pdf link doesn't work on few table print view works

nb123nb123 Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0

I am noticing this pattern on my tablepress tables across multiple tabs .I have save as 'csv' ,'pdf' and 'print' option for each table..on some of the pages(first tab of each page) all three works but in most pages(other tabs) only 'print' option works..what am i missing?Code is same for all.
For example : on this page
All three options work for 'DUETS' tab(FIRST TAB) but for other tabs (puppets,music,skit) etc. only PRINT works ,save to 'csv an pdf' option does not work

this is the code i have for SKIT tab.I have also have 'Use Data Tables box checked in .
[table id=Skit1 datatables_tabletools="true"/][table id=skit2 datatables_tabletools="true" /][table id=skit3 datatables_tabletools="true"/][table id=skit4 datatables_tabletools="true" /]

What is causing this inconsistent behavior?

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