I can't get my Individual Column Search working
I can't get my Individual Column Search working

Hi again :D
I can't get my Individual Column Search working...
My bottom TH cells do display the inputs where needed, but on blur/change/keyup, nothing happends...
EDIT : Console : Undefined is not a functio - corresponding to " oTable.columns().eq( 0 ).each( function ( colIdx ) {"
Thank u :))
$('#datos tfoot th').not(":eq(0),:eq(3),:eq(5),:eq(6)") //Exclude columns
.each( function () {
var title = $('#example thead th').eq( $(this).index() ).text();
$(this).html( '<input type="text" placeholder="Rechercher" />' );
var oTable = $('#datos').dataTable();
oTable.columns().eq( 0 ).each( function ( colIdx ) {
if (colIdx == 0 || colIdx == 3 || colIdx == 5 || colIdx == 6) return; //Do not add event handlers for these columns
$( 'input', table.column( colIdx ).footer() ).on( 'keyup blur change', function () { oTable
.column( colIdx )
.search( this.value )
This discussion has been closed.
Your "table" variable is oTable, not table.
Hi, Thanks for the correction,; sorry oops.
But it still doesn't work and I remain with Undefined is not a function... :s
You can also try my yadcf plugin, see showcase
Thank u ! ;) I'll check that tomorrow and will let u know
Hi Everybody ,
I've tried to make my js match the several examples I found on yadcf , but... I can't get it work either.
I get unexpected results such as :
column 0 which contains a select instead of being not searchable,
column 1 is ok as it contains an input type ='text' but nothing happends when I type something in,
column 2 contains a select as per my requirement, but <options> are empty
column 3, 5, 6 are empty of input and select (this is ok)
column 4 is supposed to contain a select, but it doesn't actually.
Thanks for your help, any kind of solution is accepted.
$(document).ready(function() {
'use strict';
oTable= $('#datos').dataTable({ // tried with DataTable
"sAjaxSource": 'ajx/datatables_process.php',
bProcessing: true,
bServerSide: true,
"bStateSave": true,
"lengthMenu": [[15, 25, 50, -1], [15, 25, 50, "Afficher tout"]],
If you set a column to be a
it wont be filterabale, so remove thecolumn_number : 0
from yadcf constructor, also in case that you using chosen for select filter you must include chosen js/css/images and in case you are usingfilter_type: "auto_complete"
you must include jquery ui js/cssHi Daniel,
Thanks for your explanations.
Almost everything works fine now but the auto_complete doesn't : when I start typing nothing happends with the latest version of jquery ui.
With UI version 1.11.2, I had "no search results".
(jquery ui js+css are included,and bJQueryUI : true ).
so I use "text" instead -
Great plugins Allan and Daniel_R, amazing brains :)
bJQueryUI is related to datatables styling and not related in any way to yadcf, you can try grabbing the jquery / ui version that I used in yadcf showcase to see if it solve your auto complete issues
Ok. Even with the same versions of UI et JS as those used in your demos, auto_complete doesn't filter nothing.
I've tried with enable_auto_complete too, but no result either...
If you provide a jsbin/jsfiddle sample I'll be able to look at it, because the auto complete filter should be very easy to setup
Truth is that I don't know how to create a jsbin of my code since I use PHP to output data... so, I've removed everything that corresponds to PHP and replaced it by text values in my <tr> in jsbin. But i don't think that is what I'm supposed to do.....
(sorry to be that ignorant !!! )
Then I don't know how I can add the js and css for yadcf and chosen, etc
Look at what I've done http://live.datatables.net/rufaluxu/1/edit
Is my way of including the js and css correct ??? If it is, I don't know how to link chosen.js & css...
I guess that what I've done in js bin is all wrong !!
I've been watching tutorials and help topics about how to use jsbin, and checking existing datatables jsbins, but............... :s
Nevermind then, in case that you'll have a link to a working sample (to you server?) you can post it and I'll try to see what went wrong.
Ok :)
The hosting my websites are on doesn't support pdo, and for this website I'm working on; I do use pdo, so as soon as this website is online, I give you the link .
Thanks for your support :)
I hadn't seen that when searching a column called [postcode + city], the search was effective only on the first value, here on postcode. If I type "Paris" no result is returned.
How can I solve that? I've tried several ideas of mine, but :D :S
Can you give a little help please, thank you
@Marina06 I need an online example to tell what went wrong or how to solve it...
oh... ok... I still haven't looked for a hosting yet.. humm. ok I'll come back & let u know when I have it...
Hi ! :) Me again !!
@daniel_r : I've just sent you the URL of my web in order that you can review it and tell me what's going wrong with the search in a colum that contains 2 values. As I said in my previous posts, in the column [postcode - city] --> only postcode is "searchable".
Many many thanks
I see that you are using a server side processing, and I saw that thesearch data of the column N#5 (sSearch_5) is sent just fine , both in case of postcode and city, so it looks like an issue in your php code that not using the proper function to compare string, see the following q/a in so , its not related to datatables nor yadcf, it looks like a improper function use in php code
Ok, and I forgot to remember you that when in Column 2 "Poste", I replace "text" per "auto_complete", I get "No search result"...
{column_number: 2, filter_type: "auto_complete", text_data_delimiter: ",",filter_default_label: "Rechercher" },//
Underneath, my php for Individual column filtering, which works well when a single value is diplayed per column, but when I display "postcode - city" in a same column, I only have my postcode searchable...
I don't know how to tell php that in my column 5, are values 5 and 6, that both must be searchable / filterable..
Thanks for your help.
If you want to use auto complete you must include jquery ui js and css
Sorry but I'm not a php user :|
I had already tried with ui.js and ui.css... I've tried again and nothing happends... in what's regarding "auto_complete".. :/
Ok for php.
I'm good at php but when not in the case datatables case... ! So I guess I'm gonna create a new topic for this particular case.
Thanks again, have a nice day
You can take a look at the following sample with auto complete filter (fourth column)