Can figure out how to return a certain data value of the selected cell

Can figure out how to return a certain data value of the selected cell

mmontoyammontoya Posts: 84Questions: 27Answers: 4

I need a tableTool button that will open another page, passing a value (usertable.uuk). How do I get the value of usertable.uuk, which is in the data but not a displayed column.

        var tableTools = new $.fn.dataTable.TableTools( table, {
                  sRowSelect: "os",
                  aButtons: [
                      sExtends: 'select_single',
                      sButtonClass: 'marginLeft',
                      sButtonText: 'View History',
                      editor: editor,
                      fnClick: function () {
                        //window.location.href = 'grid_staffHistory.php';
                        //alert( 'Row index: '+table.row( '.selected' ).index() );
                        alert( 'primary key: '+table.row( '.selected' ).cell('usertable.uuk').data() );
                        //alert( 'Row index: '+ editor.get('usertable.uuk') );
                      sExtends: 'select_single',
                      sButtonClass: 'marginLeft',
                      sButtonText: 'Add New Staff',
                      fnClick: function () {
                        window.location.href = 'addUsers.php';
              } );
        $( tableTools.fnContainer() ).insertBefore( '#table_filter' );          
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