Using datatables I can't make a cell colspan=3 without breaking FixedHead

Using datatables I can't make a cell colspan=3 without breaking FixedHead

smashingxsmashingx Posts: 2Questions: 2Answers: 0
edited March 2015 in Free community support

I have a fixedhead datatable with the first 4 rows fixed to the top when scrolling down, the problem is that when I try to make the second row colspan=3 the one that says “make me colspan=3” the datatable loses its ability to be fixed to the top. I don’t know why that could affect the datatable. Thank you for your help.

Update: I just saw my console after adding the colspan=3 and I got this error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of undefinedjquery.dataTables.js:4138 _fnCalculateColumnWidthsjquery.dataTables.js:3265 _fnInitialisejquery.dataTables.js:6521 (anonymous function)jquery-1.8.3.js:611 jQuery.extend.eachjquery-1.8.3.js:241 jQuery.fn.jQuery.eachjquery.dataTables.js:6047 DataTablejquery.dataTables.js:14691 $.fn.DataTablepriceadjustment.html:30 (anonymous function)jquery-1.8.3.js:974 jQuery.Callbacks.firejquery-1.8.3.js:1084 jQuery.Callbacks.self.fireWithjquery-1.8.3.js:406 jQuery.extend.readyjquery-1.8.3.js:83 DOMContentLoaded

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