Table Joins: Does Editor have support for "Or" statements and "Sum Of"?

Table Joins: Does Editor have support for "Or" statements and "Sum Of"?

pansengtatpansengtat Posts: 66Questions: 26Answers: 1

I am trying to extract data from a datatable with a SQL query like this:

select *
from myrequests
where (status = 1 OR assigned_group = 4)

So far in Editor, I have been able to only write this in the backend:

$data = Editor::inst($db, 'myrequests', 'request_id')
            ->where('myrequests.status', 1)
                        ->where('myrequests.assigned_group', 4)
            ->leftJoin('myrequestdata', 'myrequests.request_id', '=', 'myrequestdata.request_id')

However, the above code is reading the "where" clause as "and".

Another question: "Sum of" statements

Is there a way to edit the core Editor/Datatables files, eg) Join.php to include "sum of" SQL functions?

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  • allanallan Posts: 64,114Questions: 1Answers: 10,577 Site admin
    Answer ✓


    In Editor 1.4 you can use an anonymous function for the where() method to get access to the underlying query and its more complete where operations. For example:

    ->where( function ( $q ) {
      $q->where( 'myrequests.status', 1 );
      $q->or_where( myrequests.assigned_group', 4 );
    } )

    Regarding sums - currently it is not possible to use SQL functions in Editor fields. You would need to calculate the sum externally to the libraries I'm afraid.


  • pansengtatpansengtat Posts: 66Questions: 26Answers: 1
    edited March 2015

    I attempted to use the query method in your reply, but I myself get an invalid JSON error. Would appreciate if this can be fixed:

    $data = Editor::inst($db, 'myrequests', 'ID')
                function ( $q ) {
                    $q->where( 'myrequests.status', 1 );
                    $q->or_where( 'myrequests.assigned_group', 4 );
            ->leftJoin('mygroups', 'myrequests.assigned_group', '=', 'mygroups.ID')
            ->leftJoin('mystatus', 'myrequests.status', '=', 'mystatus.ID')
  • allanallan Posts: 64,114Questions: 1Answers: 10,577 Site admin
    Answer ✓

    $q->or_where( myrequests.assigned_group', 4 );

    Missing quote mark - sorry. Should be:

     $q->or_where( 'myrequests.assigned_group', 4 );

    Did the error in the Ajax return give an error message that agrees with that?


  • pansengtatpansengtat Posts: 66Questions: 26Answers: 1

    Apparently, inside the function($q) could not recognize constants or variables which are declared in external files. But if a magic number is used, it just fits in well. Weird.

    include 'constants.php';
    include("lib/DataTables.php"); // DataTables PHP library
    //--- Alias Editor classes, so that they are easy to use ---//
    data = Editor::inst($db, 'myrequests', 'ID')
            ->where( function ( $q ) {
                  $q->where( 'myrequests.status', $CONST_STATUS_START );
                  $q->or_where( 'myrequests.assigned_group', $CONST_GROUP_EMPTY, "!=" );
            } )
    //... add more stuff here
  • allanallan Posts: 64,114Questions: 1Answers: 10,577 Site admin
    Answer ✓

    could not recognize constants or variables which are declared in external files.

    They can, but you need to use the use() statement:

    ->where( function ( $q ) use ( $CONST_STATUS_START, $CONST_GROUP_EMPTY ) {

    This is all part of PHP's awful handling of globals and variable scope... I quite like PHP, but it does have issues such as this - particularly if you are used to Javascript.


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