Alternative Server-Side PHP Script
Alternative Server-Side PHP Script
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to share a script that I use in my server-side enabled datatables. It is a tweaked copy of the one used in the examples here. Since I have many data tables in my projects and it was very time consuming to modify the example script to work with each one I came up with this tweaked version that is simpler to setup.
- Define all of the columns to use in one place (and only one place). No index association / fnColumnToField function required.
- Uses PHPs json_encode function which ensures proper escaping and allows for simpler code.
- Works with JOINS and CONCAT, etc
- Allows for custom processing of data.
- Allows for 'virtual' rows.
- Filtering is done on all defined columns regardless of which are set to "bSearchable": false. I think the dataTables examples are like this as well.
- Filtering is done the same way on each column (WHERE column LIKE '%search_term%'). In the dataTables example script you have more control over that.
All you need to set up is:
- your mysql (or other) connection
- the $columns array
- $table
Optional settings:
- $joins
Simple Example
// include or define your mysql config here
require_once "mysql_config.php";
// the columns to be filtered, ordered and returned
// must be in the same order as displayed in the table
$columns = array
// the table being queried
$table = "users";
// any JOIN operations that you need to do
$joins = "";
// filtering
$sql_where = "";
if ($_GET['sSearch'] != "")
$sql_where = "WHERE ";
foreach ($columns as $column)
$sql_where .= $column . " LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET['sSearch'] ) . "%' OR ";
$sql_where = substr($sql_where, 0, -3);
// ordering
$sql_order = "";
if ( isset( $_GET['iSortCol_0'] ) )
$sql_order = "ORDER BY ";
for ( $i = 0; $i < mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET['iSortingCols'] ); $i++ )
$sql_order .= $columns[$_GET['iSortCol_' . $i]] . " " . mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET['sSortDir_' . $i] ) . ", ";
$sql_order = substr_replace( $sql_order, "", -2 );
// paging
$sql_limit = "";
if ( isset( $_GET['iDisplayStart'] ) && $_GET['iDisplayLength'] != '-1' )
$sql_limit = "LIMIT " . mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET['iDisplayStart'] ) . ", " . mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET['iDisplayLength'] );
$main_query = mysql_query("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS " . implode(", ", $columns) . " FROM {$table} {$joins} {$sql_where} {$sql_order} {$sql_limit}")
or die(mysql_error());
// get the number of filtered rows
$filtered_rows_query = mysql_query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()")
or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($filtered_rows_query);
$response['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = $row[0];
// get the number of rows in total
$total_query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM {$table}")
or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($total_query);
$response['iTotalRecords'] = $row[0];
// send back the sEcho number requested
$response['sEcho'] = intval($_GET['sEcho']);
// this line is important in case there are no results
$response['aaData'] = array();
// finish getting rows from the main query
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($main_query))
// put all of the data from the current row into aaData
$response['aaData'][] = $row;
// prevent caching and echo the associative array as json
header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
header('Pragma: no-cache');
header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo json_encode($response);
I just wanted to share a script that I use in my server-side enabled datatables. It is a tweaked copy of the one used in the examples here. Since I have many data tables in my projects and it was very time consuming to modify the example script to work with each one I came up with this tweaked version that is simpler to setup.
- Define all of the columns to use in one place (and only one place). No index association / fnColumnToField function required.
- Uses PHPs json_encode function which ensures proper escaping and allows for simpler code.
- Works with JOINS and CONCAT, etc
- Allows for custom processing of data.
- Allows for 'virtual' rows.
- Filtering is done on all defined columns regardless of which are set to "bSearchable": false. I think the dataTables examples are like this as well.
- Filtering is done the same way on each column (WHERE column LIKE '%search_term%'). In the dataTables example script you have more control over that.
All you need to set up is:
- your mysql (or other) connection
- the $columns array
- $table
Optional settings:
- $joins
Simple Example
// include or define your mysql config here
require_once "mysql_config.php";
// the columns to be filtered, ordered and returned
// must be in the same order as displayed in the table
$columns = array
// the table being queried
$table = "users";
// any JOIN operations that you need to do
$joins = "";
// filtering
$sql_where = "";
if ($_GET['sSearch'] != "")
$sql_where = "WHERE ";
foreach ($columns as $column)
$sql_where .= $column . " LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET['sSearch'] ) . "%' OR ";
$sql_where = substr($sql_where, 0, -3);
// ordering
$sql_order = "";
if ( isset( $_GET['iSortCol_0'] ) )
$sql_order = "ORDER BY ";
for ( $i = 0; $i < mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET['iSortingCols'] ); $i++ )
$sql_order .= $columns[$_GET['iSortCol_' . $i]] . " " . mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET['sSortDir_' . $i] ) . ", ";
$sql_order = substr_replace( $sql_order, "", -2 );
// paging
$sql_limit = "";
if ( isset( $_GET['iDisplayStart'] ) && $_GET['iDisplayLength'] != '-1' )
$sql_limit = "LIMIT " . mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET['iDisplayStart'] ) . ", " . mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET['iDisplayLength'] );
$main_query = mysql_query("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS " . implode(", ", $columns) . " FROM {$table} {$joins} {$sql_where} {$sql_order} {$sql_limit}")
or die(mysql_error());
// get the number of filtered rows
$filtered_rows_query = mysql_query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()")
or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($filtered_rows_query);
$response['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = $row[0];
// get the number of rows in total
$total_query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM {$table}")
or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($total_query);
$response['iTotalRecords'] = $row[0];
// send back the sEcho number requested
$response['sEcho'] = intval($_GET['sEcho']);
// this line is important in case there are no results
$response['aaData'] = array();
// finish getting rows from the main query
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($main_query))
// put all of the data from the current row into aaData
$response['aaData'][] = $row;
// prevent caching and echo the associative array as json
header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
header('Pragma: no-cache');
header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo json_encode($response);
This discussion has been closed.
require_once "../libs/config.php";
// the columns to be filtered, ordered and returned
// must be in the same order as displayed in the table
$columns = array
"", //store name
"CONCAT( e.first_name, ' ', e.last_name )", //employee name
"CONCAT( c.first_name, ' ', c.last_name )", //customer name
$table = "invoices i";
$joins = "LEFT JOIN customers c ON i.customer_id = LEFT JOIN employees e ON i.employee_id = LEFT JOIN stores s ON i.store_id =";
// filtering
$sql_where = "";
if ($_GET['sSearch'] != "")
$sql_where = "WHERE ";
foreach ($columns as $column)
$sql_where .= $column . " LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET['sSearch'] ) . "%' OR ";
$sql_where = substr($sql_where, 0, -3);
// ordering
$sql_order = "";
if ( isset( $_GET['iSortCol_0'] ) )
$sql_order = "ORDER BY ";
for ( $i = 0; $i < mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET['iSortingCols'] ); $i++ )
$sql_order .= $columns[$_GET['iSortCol_' . $i]] . " " . mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET['sSortDir_' . $i] ) . ", ";
$sql_order = substr_replace( $sql_order, "", -2 );
// paging
$sql_limit = "";
if ( isset( $_GET['iDisplayStart'] ) && $_GET['iDisplayLength'] != '-1' )
$sql_limit = "LIMIT " . mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET['iDisplayStart'] ) . ", " . mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET['iDisplayLength'] );
$main_query = mysql_query("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS " . implode(", ", $columns) . " FROM {$table} {$joins} {$sql_where} {$sql_order} {$sql_limit}")
or die(mysql_error());
// get the number of filtered rows
$filtered_rows_query = mysql_query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()")
or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($filtered_rows_query);
$response['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = $row[0];
// get the number of rows in total
$total_query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM {$table}")
or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($total_query);
$response['iTotalRecords'] = $row[0];
// send back the number requested
$response['sEcho'] = intval($_GET['sEcho']);
$response['aaData'] = array();
// finish getting rows from the main query
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($main_query))
// add an extra column that has a print link
$row[] = "";
$response['aaData'][] = $row;
header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
header('Pragma: no-cache');
header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo json_encode($response);
The mysql_clean function is something I use to apply mysql_real_escape_string to both strings and multi-dimensional arrays alike. I'll replace it with mysql_real_escape_string in those examples.. there's no advantage to using the custom one in them anyway.
Edit: Done.
Is there a way to make it working in all case without having to set the columns before ?
Thx for ur work.
Ups sry i found... :)
I think there's a way to send the column names to datatables and then datatables would be able to send them back when you order/filter - but then you'd be revealing the column names to anyone who viewed the source of your page or ajax request data with firebug, etc, which could be a security risk.
[code]// column specific filtering
foreach ($columns as $key => $column)
if ($_GET['sSearch_' . $key] != "")
$sql_where .= !$sql_where ? "WHERE " : "AND ";
$sql_where .= $column . " LIKE '%" . mysql_clean($_GET['sSearch_' . $key]) . "%' ";
Thanks for your codes, I was so stuck on how to add a href and img src in datatables, especially in server side.
Many thanks.