How to limit the number of rows to search with Ajax Json

How to limit the number of rows to search with Ajax Json

tgptgp Posts: 13Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited May 2009 in General
Hi, first congratulations for this great great project.

I have a big db with almost 65,000 rows and it will be biger... but I want to know how to pass the limit numbers (start - end) of the query to the Json file using the full_numbers or something, because if I limit the query on the server side it truncate the full results... and testing with 10,000 turns slow and it show me a notice from firebug.

Felicidades por este gran proyecto!!
Tengo una base de datos de mas de 65,000 filas y podria convertirse mucho mayor, Yo quiero saber como pasar los limetes de las consulta al script Json usando los links de full_numbres o algo por el estilo, ya que si limito la consulta en el servidor este definitivamente no mostrara todos los resultados si no que solo el rango que quedo establecido. Estuve probando hacer una consulta con un limite de 10,000 y se torno bastante lento y al final me mostro un mensaje el firebug diciendo que el script habia provocado un fallo.



  • allanallan Posts: 63,953Questions: 1Answers: 10,543 Site admin
    Hi tgp,

    With 65'000 rows I would really recommend that you use the server-side processing option that is available with DataTables 1.5: . This will make your application much more manageable for the web-browser and much quicker for the end user. Server-side processing has all the options that you will be looking for with showing what rows are shown and how many are available.

  • tgptgp Posts: 13Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Thanks, I will try it.
    I'm very impressed with your quick answer on all post!
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