Confirming DataTables capabilities on adding rows, not having an Issue

Confirming DataTables capabilities on adding rows, not having an Issue

bcahillbcahill Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

I am trying to choose a solution for tables to incorporate into my project and just want to confirm something is possible with DataTables before going down this route.

I am using Meteor to build a site with a focus on financial data. One requirement is to have tables where a user can add a row and populate the row with specified data. For example, the table would be a list of companies - I would type "Apple" in a box, the row would be added and be automatically populated with Apple's ticker, revenue and market cap, all of which are in the collection.

I've read through much of the documentation (specifically Javascript data sourcing) and checked elsewhere, but do not see the steps for adding data from a database (I see adding rows, but the all of the examples show hard-coded HTML).

Can you let me know if this is possible and direct me to where I can figure it out? If it's not clear, this is the first thing I've ever built, really learning as I go. I've also seen a Meteor package that incorporates DataTables, but I prefer being able to define more of my layout, rather than letting the package do it for me. Thanks!

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