ScrollY , paging fals not working

ScrollY , paging fals not working

hawkmasterhawkmaster Posts: 56Questions: 20Answers: 0

I wonder what I doing wrong?
I tried to add a vertical scroll like in example on:

But this take no effect. No Scolling and also pagination (Show 5,10.. entries..) is still there
I have downloaded the last version DataTables 1.10.5.

Can anybody help me?

var oTable = $("#example").dataTable({
"sAjaxSource": "getData.php?USERID=<?php echo $USERID ?>",
"sAjaxDataProp": "",
"aaSorting": [[ 1, "desc" ]],

    "scrollY":        "50px",
           "scrollCollapse": true,
           "paging":         false,

    //"bPaginate": false,





  • hawkmasterhawkmaster Posts: 56Questions: 20Answers: 0

    I have now changed all file to new version (also the datatable.css) and now the scrolling will work, also the paging is now off.

    But another strange problem:
    If "scrollY" is activated the column headers of the table does not fit (adjust) to the nody and rest of the table. If I click on the table column head the rows suddenly aligned correct.

    What could this be?


  • hawkmasterhawkmaster Posts: 56Questions: 20Answers: 0

    Has nobody an idea why the header columns are not aligned correct to the body?
    It is exact the same behavior as described in:

    If I click on the header row the alignment will be ok, but not at start time.

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