upgrade form 1,5 to 1,8,2

upgrade form 1,5 to 1,8,2

gengergenger Posts: 4Questions: 1Answers: 0

I used to work with dataTable ver 1.5. When I started using version 1.8.2 ("aLengthMenu" option works), sorting doesn't work. Have parameters: iSortingCols, iSortCol_, iSortDir_ been changed? Mayby is someting wrong with my incialization (searching, pagineiting, iDisplayLength work properly)? How can I get (in jquery) the parameters which I send to the server?

oTableIndexyTable = $('#indexyTable').dataTable(

                        "aLengthMenu": [[10, 25, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 3000, -1], [10, 25, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 3000, "All"]],    
                        "order": [[ 0, "asc" ]],
                              "bProcessing": true,
                              "bServerSide": true,
                              "bJQueryUI": false, 

                              "iDisplayLength": 25,  

                              "sAjaxSource": "", //"sAjaxSource": ""+sAjaxSourcePath+"ulicalist/getajaxulica/",

                              "sPaginationType": "two_button",
                              "oLanguage": {
                              "sLengthMenu": "Wyświetlono _MENU_ wierszy na stronie",
                              "sZeroRecords": "Nic nie znaleziono - zmień warunki wyszukiwania",
                              "sInfo": "Pokazano _START_ do _END_ z _TOTAL_ wierszy",
                              "sInfoEmpty": "Pokazano 0 do 0 z 0 wierszy",
                              "sInfoFiltered": "(Wyszukano z _MAX_ wszystkich wierszy)",                            
                              "sProcessing":"Wczytuję dane...",
                                  "sNext":"Następna strona",
                                  "sPrevious":"Poprzednia strona",
                                  "sFirst":"Pierwsza strona",
                                  "sLast":"Ostatnia strona"                         
                                "aoColumns": [ 
                              /* ulicaName*/   { "sClass": "center" },
                              /* rejonName */  { "sClass": "center" }


                       } );

Thank You for help...


  • allanallan Posts: 64,032Questions: 1Answers: 10,555 Site admin

    1.8.2 is no longer supported. 1.10.6 is the current release. I would suggest upgrading to the latest release if you can and if you are having problems with it, please link to a test page showing the issue.


  • gengergenger Posts: 4Questions: 1Answers: 0

    I have found the soluction. Parameter iSortDir_(int) in ver 1.5 was changed on sSortDir_(int) in ver 1.8.

  • allanallan Posts: 64,032Questions: 1Answers: 10,555 Site admin

    This is noted in the 1.6 upgrade notes. You may also wish to look through the release notes for the other major releases.

    Good to hear you have it working now.


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