How to send form field values through datatables ajax request
How to send form field values through datatables ajax request
Previously I had a search fields page which would send a series of values from a form to another page that displayed a table of results which matched the criteria from the fields page. I implemented datatables on that particular table yet it was displaying around 6000 rows for most queries and was dreadfully slow when sorting/filtering and unfortunately pagination is not an option for me in this case. I decided that I needed to switch to server-side processing, but am at a loss for how I can send my GET values from the result page to my external php/server side processing page using the "ajax": initialization parameter. The url after submitting the form looks like this
These are the values I'm trying to send in this case.
Here is my datatables init currently
"bProcessing": true,
"oLanguage": { "sSearch": "Filter All Fields By:" },
"bLengthChange": false,
"bPaginate": false,
"scrollY": "600px",
"scrollCollapse": true,
"bServerSide": true,
"sAjaxSource": "query.php",
"sServerMethod": "GET",
fnDrawCallback : function( oSettings ) {
$(this).find('tbody tr').each(function(index) {
When I check my JSON from the external php page query.php on 'testserver.php' it returns a JSON which just looks like this: []
but I have checked the json by appending the query.php url with my GET form results and the json_encode returns a valid JSON
Is there anything else I would need to do to get query.php to accept the values in the testserver url from my ajax request?
Thanks in advance