Datatable Performance - Locking Browser

Datatable Performance - Locking Browser

impactonimpacton Posts: 0Questions: 0Answers: 0

Hello , programmers friends. Is that okay? I'm from Brazil , and new in php language. I have a problem and I am not able to deal , the question is what is working for the information appearing more like user has 15,000 record just crashing the browser.

Creating LIMIT SELECT solve my problem , most do not know how to do this by calling the datatable

I believe in the power of you

Datatable version :


  • File: jquery.dataTables.min.js
  • Version: 1.6.2
  • Author: Allan Jardine (
  • Info:



Code PHP:

$(document).ready(function(){ /* setup navigation, content boxes, etc... */ Administry.setup(); /* datatable */ $('#example').dataTable(); /* expandable rows */ Administry.expandableRows(); });

<section class="column width6 first">

                <h1>Lista de Contatos</h1>

                <div class="box box-info">Utilize a tabela abaixo para visualizar suas lista de contatos</div>

                <table class="display stylized" id="example">
                            <th>Nome do Contato</th>
                            <th>Lista de Contato</th>



                    $cclista = mysql_query("select * from contatos 
                                                                    left join lista_contatos on (contatos.idlistacontatos=lista_contatos.idlista_contatos) 
                                                                    left join clientes on (lista_contatos.cliente_id=clientes.idclientes)
                                                                    where clientes.idclientes='".$_SESSION['logado']."' order by lista_contatos.nome_lista") or print(mysql_error());

                    while($ccl = mysql_fetch_array($cclista)){

                        <tr class="gradeA">
                            <td class="center"><?=$ccl['numero_contato'];?></td>
                            <td class="center"><a href="?pg=contato_edit&id=<?=$ccl['idcontatos'];?>" class="linkazul">Editar</a> | <a href="javascript:ConfirmaExcluiContato('<?=$ccl['idcontatos'];?>');" class="linkazul" style="color:#C00">Excluir</a></td>



                            <th>Nome do Contato</th>
                            <th>Lista de Contato</th>

            <!-- End of Left column/section -->

<a href="exportar_contatos.php"><img src="img/excel.jpg" alt="Exportar dados" width="64" height="64" title="Exportar dados" border="0" /></a>


Thank you.

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