how to get individual column filters except first column when using rowcolumnfilter.js?

how to get individual column filters except first column when using rowcolumnfilter.js?

sandepsandep Posts: 7Questions: 5Answers: 0
edited April 2015 in Free community support

hi i am using data plug-in (v 1.10.5) .loading data from JSON . getting the data table properly and individual column filters also.but i want to have individual filters for all columns in data table except first column.
any suggestions how to achieve it.
presently using -->


  • headshot9xheadshot9x Posts: 59Questions: 16Answers: 1

    Hi sandep, You can use aoColumns or aoColumnDefs define a column. i.e , disable filter and search in first column

    "aoColumns": [ 
                        { "mData": data in here, "aTargets": [0], "sType": "integer", "bSearchable": false, "orderable": false },
  • sandepsandep Posts: 7Questions: 5Answers: 0

    hey @headshot9x .still getting column filter for first column

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