How to solve the permanent "Processing..." message when back from "print" view.

How to solve the permanent "Processing..." message when back from "print" view.

chimoschimos Posts: 6Questions: 2Answers: 0


About this thread:
I'd have posted this question there, but I didn't found how (maybe because it's already closed?).

I have exactly the same problem described there, and I don't know how to apply the code shared by @ScottG. How should I use the function fnPrintEnd(e)? I tried pasting it inside and outside my document-ready function without success. In the mentioned thread there is also a legacy note saying that it's related with previous versions of DT, could it be a problem to get it working? I'm using version 1.10.
Would be very helpful if anyone could give any clues about it, since I'm not very experienced with coding and copy/paste didn't work this time ^^'

Thanks in advance.


  • essicumdessicumd Posts: 10Questions: 2Answers: 1

    Seeing this here as well when using the 'Print' button and then ESC to shut the print view. I am not using ServerSide processing though, as I know that was known to be an issue. Would definitely be interested in finding out a little more about this issue. Thanks!

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