Filtering problem
Filtering problem

Just recently found this tool and love it. My problem is with filtering. I have it working, but there is a problem with the css i think. Everytime when the key up event is run, the width of the TH tags in the TFOOT grow by 1 to 2 px. Have not been able to track down where this is coming from.
This discussion has been closed.
/* Finally set the width's of the header and footer tables */
// = _fnStringToCss( $(o.nTable).outerWidth() );
// = _fnStringToCss( $(o.nTable).outerWidth()+o.oScroll.iBarWidth );
if ( o.nTFoot !== null )
nScrollFootInner = o.nScrollFoot.getElementsByTagName('div')[0],
nScrollFootTable = nScrollFootInner.getElementsByTagName('table')[0];
// = _fnStringToCss( o.nTable.offsetWidth+o.oScroll.iBarWidth );
// = _fnStringToCss( o.nTable.offsetWidth );
after doing this, the table does not resize anymore.