How set AND condition to ALL columns in datatable - server side

How set AND condition to ALL columns in datatable - server side

dropbox1349dropbox1349 Posts: 6Questions: 2Answers: 0
edited April 2015 in Free community support

Dear Allan, Dear Community,

question is a little tricky.

I want AND condition to ALL columns

Look this video to dispel any doubts on what I want: LOOK

You can test the difference on this 3 tables showed in video

1st table, AND condition on a single column, server side: DEMO 1

2nd table. OR condition with full text index, server side: DEMO 2

3rd table, no server side - but THIS is I WANT but in server side: DEMO3

This php code in ssp.class.php is not right:

static function filter ( $request, $columns, &$bindings )
        $globalSearch = array();
        $columnSearch = array();
        $dtColumns = self::pluck( $columns, 'dt' );

        if ( isset($request['search']) && $request['search']['value'] != '' ) {
            $str = $request['search']['value'];

            for ( $i=0, $ien=count($request['columns']) ; $i<$ien ; $i++ ) {
                $requestColumn = $request['columns'][$i];
                $columnIdx = array_search( $requestColumn['data'], $dtColumns );
                $column = $columns[ $columnIdx ];

                if ( $requestColumn['searchable'] == 'true' ) {
                    $binding = self::bind( $bindings, '%'.$str.'%', PDO::PARAM_STR );
                    //$globalSearch[] = "match(".$column['db'].") against (".$binding.")";
                    $globalSearch[] = "`".$column['db']."` LIKE ".$binding;

I ask also on stackoverflow but unsuccesfully: stackoverflow

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