one to many join with array
one to many join with array
I've created an on to many join
Join::inst( 'ld_pr_seleccionados', 'array' )
->join( 'id', 'Id_Solicitud' )
Field::inst( 'leido' )
And now I would like to get the value data to manipulate in javascript.
{ data: "ld_pr_seleccionados", render: "[, ].leido"}
I mean, instead to render with this way [,].leido, I would like to get the information using the function way
render: function ( data, type, full, meta ) {}
but I can't get the joined array values.
Could you help me, please???
Many thanks
So within the render function I would like to get array values...
render: function ( data, type, full, meta ) {
but don't works.