DataTables 1.10.6 results table without any text data...

DataTables 1.10.6 results table without any text data...

PrincessOfSecretPrincessOfSecret Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited April 2015 in Free community support

I have been using version 1.9.4 before without any problem, and now I try to use the newest 1.10.6, but somehow it works quite strangely.

My table is pupulated at page load (no server-side processing, just simple HTML output), all data is in the table, but after the DataTable() function runs on the table, the DataTable object is created, the appearance is right but with no data, all disappears (no column names either)! The table should contain about 5000 rows and the rows are there, the counter and the pagination are showing the correct values, but the header/footer and cells are all empty, and no errors are displayed.

I call the creator function without any options:
$('#' + tablename).dataTable();
and I also tried the newer call, too:
$('#' + tablename).DataTable();

I consoled out some cells' data right before and right after the call, and before everything was there, but they were all empty as the function is finished.

If I add some extra columns which f.e. contain a button, the cells will be displayed with the button but without its text. So actually all the texts are removed from the table.

Here is a screenshot about what I got:

I inserted all the new JS files together with the Bootstrap JS file built for this version.

What would be the problem? Why the function can't read the data out of the table?

Thanks in advance for your answer.

UPDATE: I have tried the other 1.10.x versions, and this thing appears only since 1.10.5, everything works perfectly with the previous versions. What have been changed that results this problem? Different handling? Have I missed some important change?

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