Sorting breaks after programmatically changing data-sort value
Sorting breaks after programmatically changing data-sort value
I have a table with a column that is used to show if a person liked a certain item. After I create the row using fnAddData() I add the data-sort attribute to the <td>:
// Instantiate the data table.
var oTable = domainsTable.dataTable({
'aaSorting' : [],
'aoColumns' : [
'sType' : 'numeric'
'bDestroy' : true,
'bPaginate' : false,
iDisplayLength: -1,
'oLanguage' : { "sZeroRecords" : 'No results' }
// ...queried the database via $.ajax();
//..take the response data and looop through the results
for( var i = 0; i <; i++ )
// I add the row to the table.
var a = oTable.fnAddData([
'Some Value',
'Some Value',
'Some Value',
'<span class="unfavored-item"><i class="fa fa-heart"></i></span>'
// Here i add the data-sort attribute with the value of 0 which the 0 represents
// the item not being like by the user.
var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings();
var nTr = oSettings.aoData[ a[0] ].nTr;
$('td:nth-child(4)', nTr).attr('data-sort',[i].favorite);
At this point the table properly sorts the column based on the data-sort attribute value. The problem I'm having is that when I update the data-sort value (from 0 to 1 as an example via DOM modification) the datatable doesn't honor the change thus the sorting is not sorting correctly.
Here's the snippet where I"m updating the DOM:
var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings();
var getPosition = oTable.fnGetPosition($(this).closest('tr').get(0));
$('td:nth-child(4)', getPosition).attr('data-sort', 1);
What do I need to do for the datatable to honor the change so that sorting operates correctly?
This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer
to invalidate the data that DataTables has cached for the filter / sort.Allan
Thank you for your help. The following did the trick: