How i add the checkbox to datatables and select ALL

How i add the checkbox to datatables and select ALL

yassinekosyassinekos Posts: 3Questions: 3Answers: 0


i Have this data table the data recieved by json and i want to add the column for checkbox and selected all to add the action here my code :``` $(document).ready(function() {
tablecontact = $('#table-contact').dataTable({

         "sAjaxSource": "/<?=Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Locale')->getLanguage();?>/admin/CustomerManagement/getlistcontactsajax/idCustomer/<?= $this->idCustomer?>",
          "info": true,
          'sDom': 'lTfr<"clearfix">tip',
          'oTableTools': {
          'aButtons': []
                      } ,       

             "paging": true,

Thanks in advance

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