Dynamic header and table data

Dynamic header and table data

dthemesdthemes Posts: 11Questions: 6Answers: 0


I'm using json to dynamically set data and header. I did it like below :

    $.getJSON("", function( data ) {
      $(document).ready(function() {
    $('#log').html( '<table class="display compact" id="log-data" width="100%"></table>' );

    var table = $('#log-data').dataTable( {   
      "dom": '<"tblContainerT"T><"tblContainerTop"lf><rt><"bottom"ip>',
      "tableTools": {
        "sSwfPath": "/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf"
      "data": data['tbody'],
      "columns": data['thead'],
      'fnInitComplete' : function () {
        $("thead tr").clone().appendTo($("tfoot tr")) ;

It works fine. However, I noticed footer is not generated and apparently this is because header is generated dynamically (I read it somewhere). So I tried to use 'fnInitComplete' and clone the header columns to the footer. I did it like below :

      'fnInitComplete' : function () {
        $("thead tr").clone().appendTo($("tfoot tr")) ;

Well, it seems its not working and unfortunately it is bit difficult for me to understand what's wrong. Could you point me to the right direction ?


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