How to implement update on ruby on rails?

How to implement update on ruby on rails?

andreamorimandreamorim Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0

Eu tenho uma rota "PUT /admins/:id " o que passar como parâmetro na minha função

oTable.$('.edit').editable( ' O QUE INFORMAR ', {
method: 'put',
"callback": function( sValue, y ) {
var aPos = oTable.fnGetPosition( this );
oTable.fnUpdate( sValue, aPos[0], aPos[1] );
"submitdata": function ( value, settings ) {
return {
"row_id": oTable.fnGetPosition( this )[0],
"column": oTable.fnGetPosition( this )[2]


    "width": "90%",
    "height": "100%"
} );
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