Datatable Tabletools buttons misbehaving
Datatable Tabletools buttons misbehaving
Hello and i hope you throw at me any new idea.
I am having a hard time trying to figure out why the tabletools buttons behave strangly.
I set up the correct path for the swfPath
(MVC) var swfPath = '@Url.Content("~/Content/DataTables-1.10.4/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf")';
and i set up the buttons
sSwfPath: swfPath,
"aButtons" : [ "csv","pdf", "xls","print" ]
Using this code, the only button that works is the first(csv) and when you click it, it generates an xls.
If it was a pdf button in third place it would generate a pdf and so on.
Even when you hover over the first button, the hover effect is displayed on the third button.
The .css and .js are rendered correctly and no error comes from the browser.
Thank you