Possible bug: extension – fixedcolumns – ColReorder – Duplication of first column
Possible bug: extension – fixedcolumns – ColReorder – Duplication of first column
Possible bug: extension – fixedcolumns – ColReorder – Duplication of first column
Tested URL: https://datatables.net/release-datatables/extensions/ColReorder/examples/fixedcolumns.html
NOTE: Please advise if you require a DataTables live site or a JS Fiddle example, I did not think this would be required as the tested url is one of the examples you provide.
Browser: Chrome Version 42.0.2311.135 m
Screen recording: http://s17.postimg.org/3lvx4l5nj/bug1.gif
Expected: The first column should not be recordable
Actual: The first column (first name) is recordable and is duplicated on move