bServerSide=false w/ajax results in loss of sEcho, server-side errors/warnings
bServerSide=false w/ajax results in loss of sEcho, server-side errors/warnings
My situation can be reproduced using your server_site.html example. Simply change the bServerSide value to false and refresh the page.
You will notice that the table still loads w/ajax just fine, and now local searching also works just fine. However, this generates errors/warnings on the server because sEcho is no longer defined yet is accessed directly when setting $sOutput on line 147. By using Firebug I can see that all the "standard" parameters of dataTables are now missing in the call to server_processing.php.
It is great that we can still use ajax to return the data, yet perform local operations using bServerSide=false, but it seems that the code should still generate the proper information like sEcho when making the server request. I don't think this is urgent, but would you consider fixing that up in a future release?
Thank you.
You will notice that the table still loads w/ajax just fine, and now local searching also works just fine. However, this generates errors/warnings on the server because sEcho is no longer defined yet is accessed directly when setting $sOutput on line 147. By using Firebug I can see that all the "standard" parameters of dataTables are now missing in the call to server_processing.php.
It is great that we can still use ajax to return the data, yet perform local operations using bServerSide=false, but it seems that the code should still generate the proper information like sEcho when making the server request. I don't think this is urgent, but would you consider fixing that up in a future release?
Thank you.
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May I ask, what does sEcho do? I don't fully understand it, and the one documentation page ( just says it is for rendering.
Thanks again.
Making the XHR calls synchronous would address that issue - but hugely slow down the UI responsiveness (although it is possible to do if one wanted...).