How can i get selected rows value in sorted order.
How can i get selected rows value in sorted order.
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I am using datatables for the first time.
In my table i have implemented the multiple select option.
Scenario :
I select few rows and then apply sort on a header column. i want to retrieve the table data for selected rows in sorted order.
var tableToolsInst = TableTools.fnGetInstance( 'printBarCodeTable' );
var aSelectedTrsData = tableToolsInst.fnGetSelectedData();
var iborderNo = new Array();
for(var x=0;x<aSelectedTrsData.length;x++)
var anSelectedData = JSON.stringify(aSelectedTrsData[x]).substring(1).split(",");
iborderNo[x] = anSelectedData[0];
this gives me the order in which it was intially displayed before applying sorting filter.
Please provide a solution. Urgently required.
Thanks and regards,
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