Severside AJAX pageLength property not working - _fnAjaxParameters always using _iDisplayLength=10
Severside AJAX pageLength property not working - _fnAjaxParameters always using _iDisplayLength=10

Have been using server side AJAX for a while, when I try to set pageLength to something different than 10 datatable uses 10 anyways.
I looked int to the js code and see this function is always reading value from _iDisplayLength
function _fnAjaxParameters( settings )
columns = settings.aoColumns,
columnCount = columns.length,
features = settings.oFeatures,
preSearch = settings.oPreviousSearch,
preColSearch = settings.aoPreSearchCols,
i, data = [], dataProp, column, columnSearch,
sort = _fnSortFlatten( settings ),
displayStart = settings._iDisplayStart,
displayLength = features.bPaginate !== false ?
settings._iDisplayLength :
no matter what I do it always shows 10 but if I cange the above line
displayLength = features.bPaginate !== false ?
settings._iDisplayLength :
to this
displayLength = features.bPaginate !== false ?
settings.iDisplayLength :
It reads correct value instead of 10. Seems to be a bug, please help me.
similar thing happens with order as well, seems like server side ajax is not reading passed settings , instead is using private property values.
Objective here is simply be able to set the order and page length when using ajax server side.
FYI tested using 1.10.5 and 1.10.7
I am facing the same problem. Is this bug fixed yet?