Angular with Datatables and Tabletools Not Seeing Table Data

Angular with Datatables and Tabletools Not Seeing Table Data

geracamgeracam Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

I'm trying to get tabletools to work with my angular datatable. The table itself works fine, with filtering, sorting, and pages doing exactly as planned. However, when I attempt to add tabletools, the buttons show and are clickable, meaning that my swf path is correct (I think), but it does not seem to see the data in the table. Clicking copy gives me "copied 0 rows", while exporting will export blank files. Any idea as to why tabletools would not recognize the data that datatables uses?

The application I'm working on is fairly big but the gist of it is it gets the customer's orders from the database and displays them into this table, where they can sort and filter and hopefully export their orders if I can get this to work. The following fiddle won't really work because there's a lot of external functions involved, but hopefully you can see the groundwork of how I'm declaring everything.

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