TableTools Unable to set value of the property 'setHandCursor': object is null or undefined

TableTools Unable to set value of the property 'setHandCursor': object is null or undefined

bepbep Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0


I am using newest version of DataTables and TableTools. I am using knockoutjs to draw the table after which I apply DataTables to it and everything works perfectly.
I then destroy the datatable, recreate HTML using knockout but after new DataTables initialization I get the above error.
I tried all solutions I could find, including $(".DTTT_collection").remove(); but nothing helps.

Does anyone know the solution?



  • bepbep Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0

    The same is happening even if I create table with DataTables and dont use knockout.
    So I now have HTML tag and create table with DataTables plugin. Then I destroy the dable, recreate it, but I get the same error again.

  • bepbep Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0

    Solved by grouping TableTools buttons: "sExtends": "collection"

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