Ask the user if he wants to leave current view (prevent to page/search away from current displayed)
Ask the user if he wants to leave current view (prevent to page/search away from current displayed)
I have a data table with a custom form based on the data displayed. The user might fill some data and forget to save it, and then when he pages/searches away, all data is lost. I want to display a simple confirmation dialog, telling him that he will lose all changes. How can I do that?
I have tried attaching an event handler to the paging buttons like below, it executes after the paging and doesn't cancel it.
$(document).on('click', '.paginate_button', function(e) {
return false;
I have also tried to attach an event handler to preXhr, but I couldn't cancel the ajax call:
.on('preXhr.dt', function ( e, settings, data ) {
var table = new $.fn.dataTable.Api( settings );
if (table.settings()[0].jqXHR) {
I could use a custom ajax handler, but it would be a lot of work and waste of built-in functionality for a simple thing.
// ...
"ajax": getRows()
function getRows() {
return function ( request, drawCallback, settings ) {
// ...
Any ideas? Is there an easier way to prevent any state change in DataTables?
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callback option might be what you want.Allan
That's exactly what I needed, as it stops Datatables from sending the AJAX request. Thanks a lot!
By the way, couldn't this be a feature of
as well, when it receivesreturn false
? It seems to me like the right place to look for such feature, i.e., stopping an AJAX request before it happens.Yes it possibly could be - but currently isn't. I plan to review the options for cancelling a draw in future.