Hierarchy Grid
Hierarchy Grid
I am trying to determine whether we can accomplish the functionality for nested tables in datatables. The functionality I need is similar to nested tables in jqWidgets <-http://www.jqwidgets.com/jquery-widgets-demo/demos/jqxgrid/index.htm#demos/jqxgrid/nestedgrids.htm
Nested Grids section.
The main issue is I have found ways to accomplish similar except that the parent and childs rows need to be duplicate.
I have looked around on the forums and online and was able to find http://jsfiddle.net/rafael_cichocki/wwdg8/7/ but the dataset is a single dataset and does not allow parent child different columns.
And help would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry no - this is not a feature that DataTables supports. It is probably possible by hacking the filtering of DataTables with custom filters, but it is not something that has built in support.
Thanks for the quick response. I was pretty sure it didn't but wanted to verify.