Solved (I think): ColumnFilter with ColReorder and ColVis for range inputs
Solved (I think): ColumnFilter with ColReorder and ColVis for range inputs
Posts: 5Questions: 0Answers: 0
So continuing on this discussion:
I found that this fix didn't solve the bug for range inputs.
So after trying some stuff I came up with this fix and thought I should share it with you.
At around line 232:
$('#' + sFromId + ',#' + sToId, th).keyup(function () {
var iMin = document.getElementById(sFromId).value * 1;
var iMax = document.getElementById(sToId).value * 1;
Here I added this:
$('#' + sFromId + ',#' + sToId, th).keyup(function () {
myRangeFilterIndex = oTable.oApi._fnVisibleToColumnIndex(oTable.fnSettings(), $(this).parent().parent().index() );
var iMin = document.getElementById(sFromId).value * 1;
var iMax = document.getElementById(sToId).value * 1;
And then changed this at around line 212:
var iValue = aData[_fnColumnIndex(index)] == "-" ? 0 : aData[_fnColumnIndex(index)] * 1;
var iValue = aData[myRangeFilterIndex] == "-" ? 0 : aData[myRangeFilterIndex] * 1;
I haven't tested it to much yet but it seems to work for me at least.
This discussion has been closed.
or you can use my yadcf plugin for datatables and get all that and way more :)