Sorting by Date / Time in Safari or Firefox

Sorting by Date / Time in Safari or Firefox

BettonDesignBettonDesign Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited July 2015 in Free community support

Hi all

I am having issues with DataTables using Moment.js but only in Safari or Firefox.

I have a table located at I have links (in this order) to the various scripts needed:


I also have a link to a local JavaScript file containing the following:

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    $.fn.dataTable.moment( 'ddd D MMMM YYYY, HH:mm' );
        "paging": false,
        columnDefs: [
        { targets: 'no-sort', orderable: false }

The table should sort by date. This works in Chrome but not in Safari or Firefox. Other columns sort with no problems in all browsers, I am just having problems with the dates. If anyone can shed any light on what I am doing wrong then I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you


  • BettonDesignBettonDesign Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0

    I have moved the jQuery snippet above from an external file and placed it in the page but this doesn't help either.

  • BettonDesignBettonDesign Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0

    It seems the problem is with some invalid dates in the table. For example if one of the dates in the table has the format "TBC TBC July 2015, 13:00" then it breaks the whole date/time sorting.
    Therefore, is there a way to discount invalid dates?

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