PDF and Excel Button is not showing in Mozilla, IE, Safari in both windows and mac
PDF and Excel Button is not showing in Mozilla, IE, Safari in both windows and mac
Posts: 6Questions: 1Answers: 0
HI allen,
Please open your example url in firefox you will find pdf and excel button is not tall visible where as in chrome it is showing perfect.;
-thanks in advance
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The example works fine for me in Firefox.
But i could not able to view PDF and Excel buttons near to the Print Button. Can anybody click the above link (http://datatables.net/extensions/tabletools/ ) and see either you can see these series of buttons in firefox and other browsers except chrome. I installed latest version of flashplayers too but still could not able to see the buttons :)
I have the same problem :
- Online (on DT site server), things work under Firefox/chrome with file-explorer opening to save...
Seems to be OS settings or kind of related. What are the things to set then ??
Well, i've just tried Collection-buttons from TollsTable examples (collection.html) over the 'DT-Live' ==> Link: http://live.datatables.net/lumekeru/2/edit?html,css,js,output
It seems not to show the buttons :/
You have to have the flash plugin installed for each browser for it to work. If you disable the flash plugin for Firefox the buttons will not appear - but the buttons will continue to appear in Chrome and IE if you leave flash enabled on those browsers.
YEp, i finally got it working locally thanks to Allan topic reading here :
go here : http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager04.html
and click on always activate (green) then file-explorer pops up :)
Hi All,
Thanks for your updates. Actually in my firefox -> Toos -> Add-ons Manager - > Shockwave Flash -> status was Always Activate but still i was not able to see the PDF and Excel Button. But after i made them to deactive and again activate i could able to see the above buttons.
Once again thanks a lot for all of your valuable time :)
Flash has a security issue at the moment and Mozilla have disabled Flash until it is patched. You need to manually enable it if you want to use it.
A non-Flash version is coming soon :-)
That would be awsome Allan, to get a non Flash version :)
Yeah it will be great Allan:)