Need some examples of a responsive nested datatable within a responsive datatable.

Need some examples of a responsive nested datatable within a responsive datatable.

Renuka_SRenuka_S Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

I am looking for some examples of a datatable which is responsive having a nested datatable which is again responsive.


  • AshbjornAshbjorn Posts: 55Questions: 2Answers: 16
    edited July 2015

    Hi Renuka_S,

    I am not entirely sure if my example will help you, but it shows my approach on having a child row shown that in itself represents a datatable. The copy/paste is unfiltered so data may not make sense, and do not expect this to work as a copy/paste in your own project.

    $(document).ready(function () {
        var dt = $("#list-of-model").DataTable();
        $('#list-of-model tbody').on('click', 'tr td:first-child', function () {
            var tr = $(this).closest('tr');
            var icon = $('i', this);
            var row = dt.row(tr);
            if (row.child.isShown()) {
            } else {
                $.post("@Url.Action("getfilters", "filters")", { filterGroupId: tr.attr("data-row-id") }, function (filters) {
                    // Get the child row, find the table and create a DataTable
                    $(row.node()).next().find('table').DataTable({ "dom": "" });
                }, "json");
    // Creates a child table for the filters
    function format(d) {
        var result = '<table class="table table-hover table-striped table-responsive">';
        result += '<thead><th class="col col-2">Filter</th><th>Range</th><th class="col col-2 text-align-center">Operator</th></thead>';
        $.each(d, function (i, item) {
            result += '<tr class="no-padding">' +
                        '<td class="col col-2">' + item.filterType + '</td>' +
                        '<td>' + item.range + '</td>' +
                        '<td class="col col-2 text-align-center text-bold">' + item.operatorType + '</td>' +
        result += '</table>';
        return result;

    On line 15 I am using a formatter helper function to actually draw the child data as a table.

    On line 17 I "grab" that node and turn it into a DataTable, here you could easily add the "responsive": true bit.

    The code snippet above produces the following visual example: screenshot

    It should clearly reveal that the child "row" is in fact a DataTable.

    Hope this helps,

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